My Fundamentals

As a young adult learning Manhood through experience, I gained inspiration from the Golden State Warriors, and the famous “Splash Brother” Three point sharpshooters Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. This Professional Basketball franchise, located in San Francisco California has personified what modern day, up tempo ball movement, with three-point shooting looks like. As a person that’s aspiring to achieve and seeking winners to emulate, and always looked at the fundamentals of basketball to illustrate my growth in other areas of life, such as my work habits and grit as a three-quarter time student and full time worker. With such a strong love for basketball (correlating this to my life), it is very important to be consistent with my approach to getting better with my strengths and weaknesses (such as time management), like Steph and Klay, I must continue to develop shooting mechanics, my dribbling skills to evade defenders and lead by example for those around me.
It’s about consistency and sticking to the process every day to get better. Small incremental progress is always better than no progress at all. It’s about the effort, mastering the fundamentals, and readiness to correct the mistakes. in programming class, I have learned about the syntax, and how the html structure coincides with the paragraph structure of writing a paper. You must have different functioning features of the paper, such as a header (intro), body, and a footer to write a paper. On a Website (header) you can usually expect to see a logo, a search bar, and a button that interacts with the user’s needs. This takes great troubleshooting mechanics to develop an optimal user experience. I learned a lot in my time as a Student help desk student, and I look forward to continuing to develop my Technical skills with the Hardware/Software infrastructure (& career path) that I.T. has afforded Western T.C.